Friday, January 20, 2006

A third January birthday!

Aidan turns 3 Jan. 25th!

Happy birthday to him too.

Another Birthday

CJ (Reilly's mom) is a NEW YEAR'S baby! She celebrated her birthday recently too. Mel picked this picture - not CJ....taken at a evening of chocolate fondue, bean dip, hot chocolate shake, and more before Christmas 2006.

Birthdays to Note!

Belated Happy Birthday to Reilly!

She celebrated her birthday on January 3rd!

2006 Winter/Spring Schedule

January 8: Watson (Childrens' Time: Shari)
January 15: Thiessen (Childrens' Time: Shari)
January 22: Morton Ninomiya (Childrens' Time: Shari)
January 29: Schlamp & Hickey (Childrens' Time: Shari)

February 5: Watson (Childrens' Time: Melody)
February 12: Schlamp & Hickey (Childrens' Time: Melody)
February 19: Thiessen (Childrens' Time: Melody)
February 26: Morton Ninomiya (Childrens' Time:


Simon and Judith have sadly left St. John's at Christmas time! We wish them well and hope we will stay in touch. I, Mel, am now taking over Simon's responsibilities as the blog maintenance person. And I am still learning how to work with this site. I'll be posting more updates shortly!

If you have ideas for additions for our site, let me know and I'll try.

The picture here is Reilly presenting